I can’t log into the ACORN site.
As a first step, please check that you are using correct email address. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it. To do so, click “Sign in” and then select “Forgot my password.” After inputting your email address and selecting “Forgot my password,” you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. It can take up to 5-10 minutes for you to receive this email. If you click “Forgot my password” many times, you will receive multiple emails, and only the reset link in the most recent email will work. If you get an error when you click the reset link that says “Error: reset toke failed,” this is usually because you clicked “Forgot my password” many times and are attempting to use an old link. It can also happen if you click on a link that is over 6 hours old.
I am having trouble viewing videos.
Often, this issue is caused by a browser problem on your computer. If you're not sure what browser you're using you can check out here: https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/. Here are some basic browser troubleshooting steps that may serve as a starting point: 1) Check if you are using the newest version of the browser. If not, update the browser. 2) Clear cache and restart the browser. 3) Try a different browser (Google Chrome works well). 4) Try an Incognito/Private Window (this will rule out an issue with browser extensions. 5) Restart your computer/tablet/phone. 6) If possible, try a different device. 7) If possible, try a different internet connection. School or corporate firewalls occasionally block our video provider.
I am having trouble playing audio files.
Often, this issue is caused by a browser problem on your computer. If you're not sure what browser you're using you can check out here: https://www.whatsmybrowser.org/. Here are some basic browser troubleshooting steps that may serve as a starting point: 1) Check if you are using the newest version of the browser. If not, update the browser. 2) Clear cache and restart the browser. 3) Try a different browser (Google Chrome works well). 4) Try an Incognito/Private Window (this will rule out an issue with browser extensions. 5) Restart your computer/tablet/phone. 6) If possible, try a different device. 7) If possible, try a different internet connection. School or corporate firewalls occasionally block our video provider.
I am having trouble viewing PDF lessons.
Check your browser and ensure that the application set to view PDFs is the “preview in browser” option.
I can't find my certificate of completion.
To access your certificate of completion, sign into your ACORN account, click on your username in the top right corner, select “my account,” select “certificates” on the menu on the left side, and click "view".