OHA ICD Trainings
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Integrated Co-occurring Disorders (ICD) on-demand, self-paced courses and live workshops for mental health and substance use disorder treatment and service providers.
OHA ICD Initiative funded the development of 14 on-demand, self-paced courses, with a goal of introducing substance use disorder and mental health treatment providers to ICD treatment and services. Developed by foremost experts, these on-demand courses are accredited for continuing education hours (CE / CEU). They are free of charge for learners around the globe. For questions about Oregon’s ICD Program, contact OHA program support at [email protected].
On-demand. 1.5 CE hours. Covers basic philosophy of integrated co-occurring disorders treatment. Free of charge, courtesy of Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders (ICD) Initiative.
On-demand. 3 CE hours. Takes a closer look at the interactivity and functionality of co-occurring disorders, with a focus on differential diagnosis. Free of charge, courtesy of OHA Integrated Co-occurring Disorders (ICD) initiative.
On-demand. 1 CE hour. Offers an introduction to co-occurring disorders within families and other relational systems, including how co-occurring disorders are affected by relational dynamics. Free, courtesy of OHA ICD initiative.
structure, content, and some advice
Each on-demand course includes a series of topics, also known as modules. Videos, presentations, readings, and/or sample handouts are provided under each module. You are free to take as much time as you need to review these resources.
We suggest you take your time, view content as many times as you like, and access suggested readings and resources when possible.
It is not necessary to complete a course in a single sitting. You are free to open and close a course as many times as you like.
Once you have reviewed and mastered the content of each module, you will be required to pass a short quiz before proceeding to the next module. You must pass all of the quizzes before you are eligible for verification that you have successfully completed a course.
We ask you to have an open attitude as you go through on-demand courses. At times it may seem as if we are reviewing what you already know. However, paying close attention is likely to provide an opportunity to realize subtle differences and important nuances in ICD treatment and supervision.
In June 2024, OHA held 10 live, online workshops to introduce mental health and substance use disorders providers to ICD services and treatment. With funding by the OHA ICD Initiative, workshop resources, including articles and handouts, are available, free of charge, to learners around the globe.
Live, online workshop. June 3, 2024, 9:30 am - 11:00 am PT. Approved for 1.5 CE hours. Covers basic philosophy of integrated co-occurring disorders treatment. Free, courtesy of Oregon Health Authority Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Initiative.
Live, online workshop. June 4, 2024, 9:30 am - 11:00 am PT. Approved for 1.5 CE hours. Takes a closer look at the interactivity and functionality of co-occurring disorders, with a focus on differential diagnosis. Free, courtesy of OHA.
In September 2023, the OHA ICD Program held a two-day, in-person workshop at the Behavioral Health Summit in Bend, Oregon. Readings and other resources accompanying this workshop are available, free of charge, to learners around the world, courtesy of the OHA ICD Initiative.
ICD on-demand courses and live workshops are recommended for
Counseling staff, peers, supervisors and licensed medical providers working in an approved Integrated Cooccurring Disorder treatment programs;
mental health counselors (MHC / LPC), marriage and family therapists (MFT / LMFT), art therapists (AT / LAT), social workers (SW / LSW / LCSW), psychologists, and other mental health providers;
Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC);
Qualified Mental Health Associates (QMHAs); and
Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHPs).
for staff assigned to provide ICD services
All Staff (QMHA, QMHP, CADC, Supervisors, Peers, Licensed Medical Providers) working in ICD Programs are required to complete ICD Program Fundamentals (1.5-hours CE) within 12 months of being assigned to provide ICD Services.
Counseling staff working in ICD Programs are required to complete all ICD core trainings (20-hours CE) within 12 months of being assigned to provide ICD services.
ICD core trainings are accessible but optional for Peers and LMP’s working in ICD services.
For questions about Oregon’s ICD Program, contact OHA program support at [email protected].
is committed to excellence.